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The future of neuroscience will be driven by collaboration between labs.

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Our Mission

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Our Mission

We believe that the future of neuroscience will be driven by collaboration between labs. Our mission is to develop channels of communication and distribution of resources between labs to enable exponential growth and innovation.

We are at the forefront of this effort, shaping the way data, analysis and visualization tools are standardized and shared across the international community of systems neuroscientists.


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CatalystNeuro develops software solutions across the data pipeline aimed to help neuroscientists focus on the science and accelerate their discovery process immediately. We release and support packages for data homogenization, visualization, analysis, and lab-wide records.

These libraries are developed by a team that focuses specifically on neural data and good software practices. Our projects are packaged, documented, and tested for robustness and ease of use. Everything we build is released as it is developed under a permissive license.

We commonly work with labs to customize these software solutions to the specific needs of the lab, interfacing our platforms with their data formats and analysis packages.

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We help neuroscientists utilize state-of-the-art tools in data analysis, visualization, organization, sharing, and publishing.

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Interactive data visualization for NWB Alien Institute and Kitware Inc.

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Interactive data visualization for NWB Alien Institute and Kitware Inc.

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Interactive data visualization for NWB Alien Institute and Kitware Inc.

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Interactive data visualization for NWB Alien Institute and Kitware Inc.

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Interactive data visualization for NWB Alien Institute and Kitware Inc.

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If you’d like to learn more contact us today.

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